Wednesday, August 20, 2014

In awe with a single kick . . . Week 13

Last night, I laid down next to my exhausted wife as she had already fallen asleep. She was laying on her side, facing away from me, but she had moved one leg up, so she was almost on her stomach.  As she lay slumbering away unaware of my presence, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to see if I could feel the twins moving.  Up until now, she was able to feel little twinges here and there and had tried to get my hand in the right position on numerous occasions, but inevitably, they would go undetected.  So last night, she lay sleeping and I knew there would be no accessory muscle usage or any other movements besides her rhythmic breathing  . . . 

I snuggled up behind her and took my right hand and slowly placed it under her abdomen.  As I lay motionless, I waited for the slightest movement. Nothing. I repositioned my hand. Nothing. I decided to push a little on her abdomen kind of like the ultrasound tech had done to get them to move . . . PAY-DIRT!!!  

It was the slightest little push back, "knock it off Dad!" . . . and then a second kick, "yeah, what he said, knock it off Dad!" (see what i did there, he?).  It almost startled me, but then I was filled with this immense sense of joy.  Because the doctor can tell you your pregnant.  The doctor can show you a picture of the tiny little babies growing within your wife.  And the doctors can show you a video of babies moving inside her even though there isn't any resemblance of a pregnant lady yet.  But recently, my wife's 'baby bump' has began to grow and the little belly that we admired at first with excitement is becoming more and more pronounced and now, couple that visual representation of pregnancy with a physical touch, that connection to our children, it's such a powerful feeling.  It overwhelms me.  And I'm not going to lie, I had that special little moment all to myself.  Quietly in the still of the night, no one else awake or aware of what I had just experienced.  So cool.

That bump is no longer a bump . . .

And tonight, we find out what we're having!!!!  So exciting and we can't wait to know so we can plan for their arrival.  Pictures and the great news will follow!!!!

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