Sunday, August 3, 2014

Real Babies now!

We finally were able to get to our appointment with our OB.  Now, I absolutely love her so when she walked in very pregnant I was shocked!  Just my luck, I was able to catch her on her last day in the office but unfortunately she is not coming back to that office.  Such a bummer!  But needless to say, the reason I was so excited to see her was the fact that she was so excited to hear we were pregnant!  She knew we were going to go through the IVF process, when she walked in she was just ecstatic. 

We were able to get another ultrasound of the babies and now they actually look like babies.  Arms, legs, fully developed organs, little humans inside of my body!  I am not sure this link will work.  But this day, they were actually moving too.  One of the babies was moving like crazy so we took a video. 

Now don't worry, the other baby is not way smaller.  They are actually measuring only 2 days apart and bigger than average which is good.  The angle of the ultrasound wand is why one looks bigger.  If the video doesn't work sorry! Text me and I can send it to you!
This journey is so amazing!

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